Hakuto Group Human Rights Policy


We, the Hakuto Group, declare that we will act with respect for human rights in accordance with the following human rights policy in all settings of business, bearing in mind that human rights* are a universal value for humanity.

Human Rights Policy

  1. 1We respect not only our colleagues at our workplaces but also our customers, business partners, and all other persons involved in our business and treat them as irreplaceable individuals.
  2. 2We value the safety, security, and dignity of all persons involved in our business and will use all available means to protect them.
  3. 3If, by any chance, the human rights of any person involved in our business are violated, we will act so that the violated human rights will be recovered as soon as possible. We appropriately build and operate a system for recovering violated human rights.


1. We respect not only our colleagues at our workplaces but also our customers, business partners, and all other persons involved in our business and treat them as irreplaceable individuals.

Respect for and protection of human rights start with respecting all persons and treating them as individuals.

The term “all persons” is used based on the fact that all persons, as long as they are human beings, have an equal value, with each being a holder of human rights, which are universal values, regardless of differences in nationality, race, gender, sexual orientation, age, occupation, religion, political belief, etc.

Through our business, we come in contact with an enormous number of people. All these people are holders of human rights, which are universal values. Let’s remember this fact.

We also are holders of human rights ourselves. If we are treated rudely by others, we will feel sad and frustrated.

On the other hand, we believe that all of us want to help others and society. This is absolutely the same with other people.

All persons are fellows and friends. Based on this, we must accept differences between each person.

Differences between each person are equal to “individuality.” Someone’s skin color or gender is one type of “individuality.” There is a huge variety of “individuality” in the world. We should accept this fact and accept or join others as friends with by recognizing they have the same value as us, without discrimination or exclusion. This is the basis of the idea of “diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI).”

2. We value the safety, security, and dignity of all persons involved in our business and will use all available means to protect them.

Our mission as the Hakuto Group is “Hakuto, through its business operations, is committed to contributing to the development of Japanese industries and global trading as well as to the welfare and peace of human society.”

As we intend to contribute to the welfare and peace of human society, the starting point of our business is to ensure that it will never cause damage to the safety (i.e., the life or body) of people who are involved in it. In addition, we must give every consideration to secure environments where people involved in our business can live their own lives and engage in their own social activities with peace of mind. Sharing “safety” and “security” with all people involved in our business is a prerequisite of our business activities.

Once “safety” and “security,” based on which we live, are established, “dignity” must be achieved. “Dignity” means each person is respected as an irreplaceable individual and is allowed to fully realize him/herself.

“Dignity” would be what makes human beings human beings. Only when dignity is guaranteed can people live vibrant lives by exerting their individuality, society will be affluent, and people’s well-being will be achieved. This is the society we aim to build, and human “dignity” provides a basis for it and should not be compromised for any reason.

However, the reality is that there are people around the world who suffer from acts that violate their dignity, including unreasonable discrimination. Needless to say, we will never be directly involved in any acts that violate human dignity. Not only that, if any adverse impact on human rights is directly linked to the Hakuto Group’s business operations or any of its products or services through any of its business partners in its value chain or other related parties, we expect the said parties to respect human rights in line with this policy and the entire Hakuto Group will make continuous efforts to deal with such matters.

The Hakuto Group will spare no effort to secure “safety,” “security,” and “dignity” in order to build a society where each person involved in its business is guaranteed the basis of his/her livelihood and can achieve his/her self-realization.

3. If, by any chance, the human rights of any person involved in our business are violated, we will act so that the violated human rights will be recovered as soon as possible. We appropriately build and operate a system for recovering violated human rights.

Human rights should be regarded as universal and must never be violated. However, the reality is that there are constant human rights violations all over the world, and it is often the case that private companies like us are involved in the process of those violations.

While we will make our best efforts, through our commitment to human rights, to prevent violations of the human rights of persons involved in our business, it is unfortunately difficult in reality to prevent all violations.

Once a violation has occurred, we must always promptly recover the violated human rights and take thorough preventive measures to ensure that similar violations will never again occur. This always involves a prompt, necessary, and sufficient investigation of the facts. Then we must act consistently throughout the process from appropriate analysis of the investigation results to prompt implementation of measures based on the analysis results. In preparation for any occurrence of human rights violations, we set up a system for implementing these measures at any time. Should any violation occur, we will act promptly and appropriately.

Status of this policy

We hereby announce this policy to notify internal and external parties of the Hakuto Group’s attitude to human rights, on which we place utmost importance.

The Hakuto Group will continuously provide all of its officers and employees with knowledge and training on this policy to thoroughly ensure that this policy will be reflected in all of the Group’s business activities. We will also strive to mutually cooperate with other people involved in our business by sharing the spirit of this policy with them and will make efforts to secure and strengthen human rights throughout our entire value chain.

*The term “human rights” includes all internationally recognized human rights. We understand that those mean, at a minimum, the fundamental rights under the “International Bill of Human Rights (the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenants on Human Rights)” and the International Labour Organization (ILO)’s core conventions stated in the “ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work” that specify the fundamental rights in work. We support and respect relevant guidelines such as the OECD’s “Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises,” the ILO’s “Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy,” and the United Nations Human Rights Council’s “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.”

This policy has been approved by the Board of Directors of Hakuto Co., Ltd.

April 1, 2024
Hakuto Co., Ltd.
Tamaki Miyashita, Representative Director and President