SDG Initiatives

Hakuto supports the Sustainable Development Goals.

We are committed to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set forth by the United Nations.


SDG initiatives through our business activities

SDG items of particular
importance to Hakuto
  • 3 Good health and well-being
  • 7 Affordable and clean energy
  • 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • 12 Responsible consumption and production
  • 13 Climate action
  • 14 Life below water
  • 15 Life on land
  1. 1Development, introduction and sales of environmentally friendly products

    • 3 Good health and well-being
    • 7 Affordable and clean energy
    • 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure
    • 12 Responsible consumption and production
    • 13 Climate action
    • 14 Life below water
    • 15 Life on land
  2. 2Waste segregation and reduction

    • 7 Affordable and clean energy
    • 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure
    • 11 Sustainable cities and communities
    • 12 Responsible consumption and production
  3. 3Prevention of environmental pollution through business operations

    • 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure
    • 12 Responsible consumption and production
    • 13 Climate action
  4. 4Effective use of resources and energy

    • 7 Affordable and clean energy
    • 11 Sustainable cities and communities
    • 13 Climate action
  5. 5Promotion of social contribution activities

    • 11 Sustainable cities and communities
    • 15 Life on land
  6. 6Compliance with requirements

    • 7 Affordable and clean energy
    • 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure
    • 12 Responsible consumption and production

Other SDG initiatives

3 Good health and well-being

Good health and well-being

  • To prevent traffic accidents, all drivers of company-owned vehicles are required to take driver training (eco-driving).
  • Smoking is prohibited during working hours. (No smoking on premises)
  • We are working on measures to combat COVID-19.
4 Quality education

Quality education

  • Through ISO 14001 education, we help students gain the knowledge and skills necessary for sustainable development.
  • We will continue to contribute to the development of a sustainable society.
  • We will continue to implement e-learning programs aimed at raising awareness of the SDGs, and encourage learning and acquiring eco-certifications.
6 Clean water and sanitation

Clean water and sanitation

  • Water consumption (tap water and groundwater) is monitored. In addition, we have set voluntary standards for wastewater management that are stricter than legal standards.
7 Affordable and clean energy

Affordable and clean energy

  • We are working to produce clean energy at five solar power plants in Japan.
  • In accordance with the Revised Act on the Rational Use of Energy, we monitor and report energy consumption and work to conserve energy.
  • Lighting has been switched to LED and other energy-efficient lighting fixtures, and lights are turned off during lunch breaks, in unoccupied areas, and when unnecessary.
  • We have installed solar power generation systems at distribution centers to use solar energy as electricity.
  • In addition to switching to hybrid and low-emission vehicles, we will monitor the use of company-owned vehicles and reduce the number of vehicles in use.
8 Decent work and economic growth

Decent work and economic growth

  • Hakuto was certified as a 2024 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization (Large Enterprise Category)
  • Hakuto A&L Co., Ltd. was certified as a 2024 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization (Small and Medium-Sized Corporation Category).
  • For the past 20 years, we have been actively promoting the employment of persons with disabilities, mainly at the Isehara Technical Center, and supporting the independence of people with disabilities through environmentally friendly packaging material production and cleaning operations.
    In FY2023, we introduced fully artificial light vegetable cultivation equipment at the same plant, and we have employees with disabilities engaged in hydroponic lettuce cultivation.

Please check the following information to learn more.

9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

  • We aim to reduce the amount of resources used for the same function by saving energy and reducing the size of the electronic components and equipment we sell.
  • We have expanded the scope of our ISO 9001 quality management system certification to enhance customer satisfaction.
10 Reduced inequalities

Reduced inequalities

  • For the past 20 years, we have been actively promoting the employment of persons with disabilities, mainly at the Isehara Technical Center, and supporting the independence of people with disabilities through environmentally friendly packaging material production and cleaning operations.
    In FY2023, we introduced fully artificial light vegetable cultivation equipment at the same plant, and we have employees with disabilities engaged in hydroponic lettuce cultivation.
11 Sustainable cities and communities

Sustainable cities and communities

  • We dispose of waste properly based on waste management slips (manifests) and conduct periodic inspections of collection, transportation, and disposal companies.
  • Waste is thoroughly sorted through proper placement of separate collection boxes, etc.
  • In order to reduce the disposal of inventory, we are implementing thorough inventory management, including optimization of inventory quantities.
  • We record and manage hazardous chemical substances by ascertaining the type, amount used, amount stored, method of use, location of use, storage location, etc. over time.
  • The BCM Promotion Committee meets regularly.
12 Responsible consumption and production

Responsible consumption and production

  • The proper management of chemicals and waste reduces their release into the air, water, and soil.
  • We dispose of waste properly based on waste management slips (manifests).
  • In order to reduce the disposal of inventory, we are implementing thorough inventory management, including optimization of inventory quantities.
  • Photocopiers use security printing to prevent miscopies, and we also utilize both sides of paper.
  • (SFC-certified paper, etc.) We promote green purchasing.
13 Climate action

Climate action

  • As a Class I CFC recovery company, we recover and properly dispose of specified CFCs.
  • We provide information on how to reduce the environmental impact of our products, including points to keep in mind to prevent the leakage of fluorocarbons.
  • We monitor greenhouse gas emissions (e.g., carbon dioxide emissions) and are striving to reduce our environmental footprint.
  • We are committed to a modal shift when importing products from overseas.
  • The number of company vehicles is being reduced while we are switching to hybrid and low-pollution vehicles.
  • The BCM Promotion Committee meets regularly.
  • We are engaged in greening activities (forest conservation activities) through volunteer efforts.

Please check the following information to learn more.

14 Life below water

Life below water

  • Through a campaign to reduce the use of plastic products, we are working to reduce plastic waste, which is a marine microplastic problem.
  • We have created our original eco-bags and distributed them to all employees in an effort to reduce plastic waste and further promote our commitment to the SDGs.
  • We are working to reduce coral bleaching (mortality) and marine pollution by using product materials that are friendly to people and the environment.
  • We received the Diversity Award in the Corporate Category of the 2021 Sustainable Cosmetic Award.
  • Our products won a Social Products Award under the free theme of the 2022 Social Products Award.
15 Life on land

Life on land

  • To conserve mountain ecosystems, including biodiversity, we have participated in the Kanagawa Reforestation Partner Program since 2011.
  • In 2022, we again renewed our reforestation partnership. For this, a letter of appreciation was presented to the Company by Kanagawa Prefecture.
16 Peace, justice and strong institutions

Peace, justice and strong institutions

  • The Yokkaichi Factory is registered as a "Kodomo wo Mamoru Ie" (House to Protect Children) because it faces the route to school for elementary school students.
17 Partnership for the goals

Partnership for the goals

  • We have continued to be registered as a Kanagawa SDGs Partner.
  • We will work with our partners to establish a CO2 emissions calculation system and aim to achieve zero emissions.
  • We have established an educational foundation to support students from different countries.
  • Through our corporate activities, we aim to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.