Medium-Term Management Plan
Our Vision
For the Group to achieve sustainable growth and enhance its corporate value over the medium to long term, we believe it is necessary to transform our business structure in line with changes in the environment and become a distinctive technology trading company and chemical manufacturer capable of creating new value together with our client companies. We aim to go beyond the realm of a specialized trading company to co-create value by leveraging information and technology.

Progress of the Medium-Term Management Plan
Quantitative Targets
- Business restructuring + solid performance in the electronics business: Achieve consolidated operating income of 7.5 billion yen in FY2022 in real terms (after deduction of exchange rate effects)
- Initial target: Consolidated operating income of 5 billion yen or more in FY2024 → revised to 9 billion yen or more.
- Aim to become a company that can consistently post consolidated operating income of 10 billion yen or more
Companywide Strategies and Business Strategies
- Target consolidated operating income of 5 billion yen or more when the Medium-term Management Plan was announced in April 2021 was revised upward to 9 billion yen or more
Business Portfolio Plan
- Semiconductor devices: Capital investment will be reduced by about 20% over two years. Going forward, expand the business combining streamlining with high added value
- Three highly profitable businesses of components, equipment, and chemicals: Achieve further profitability in the future, collaboration with external resources and non-organic growth
Adoption of DX
- Back-end DX: Streamline work hours by approx. 500 hours a month (device-centric)
- Steady efforts are also underway to achieve plans through front-end DX aimed at realizing customer-driven value creation
Basic Shareholder Return Policy
- Continue with 100% total return ratio through dividends and the acquisition of treasury stock