Disclosure Policy
Basic Policies
We will help ensure appropriate securities transactions by pursuing the timely disclosure of corporate information and preventing insider trading, thereby earning the securities market's trust. Based on this policy, we will strive to disclose corporate information in a timely and appropriate manner in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and other relevant laws and regulations, as well as the timely disclosure rules stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
Information Disclosure Methods
Information that qualifies under the Timely Disclosure Rules is disclosed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange's TDnet (Timely Disclosure Network) information disclosure system. We will proactively disclose information disclosed on TDnet by posting it on our corporate website. We will also disclose information not covered by the Timely Disclosure Rules as broadly and fairly as possible by posting such information on our website.
Information disclosure system
In accordance with internal rules and regulations, we handle corporate information with the utmost care and ensure thorough management of such information.
Internally, we have appointed a Chief Information Officer (in principle, a director) selected by resolution of the Board of Directors, to be responsible for the internal management of corporate information and the timely disclosure of corporate information.
Financial results information along with decided facts referred by related departments are reported to and deliberated over by the Executive Committee, and then submitted to the Board of Directors. Following approval and resolution of those matters by the Board of Directors, and after "occurred facts" have been reported to the President and Representative Director, each type of information is disclosed in a timely manner without delay.
Quiet Period
To prevent the leakage of financial results (including quarterly results) information and to ensure fairness, we have adopted a quiet period that, in principle, extends from the day following the last day of the fiscal year to the day of the announcement of financial results. We refrain from answering questions or making comments on the financial results or forecasts during this period. However, if it becomes likely that the results will be significantly different from the forecast during the relevant period, we will disclose information as appropriate.
Role of the website
We have established an IR section on our website to provide our shareholders and investors with IR information in a timely and fair manner and to deepen their understanding of the Company.
Information the Company discloses is to be posted on the Company's website as soon as possible after its disclosure. Please note, however, that the posting of the information may be delayed due to issues related to information and telecommunication technologies or other causes, and it may be that not all disclosed information is posted on the website.
In addition to this Disclosure Policy, please also refer to the separately posted Site Policy when searching for information about the Company on this website.