Environmental Initiatives

Scope of activity report

Reporting operational management activities include all head offices, offices, and sales offices of Hakuto Co., Ltd. and its domestic affiliates, Hakuto A&L Co., Ltd. and Moldec Co., Ltd., regardless of the scope of ISO14001 certification.

About aggregation

Data from the middle of the environmental year is also included in the aggregation, so these are expressed using notes and basic units.

Environmental objectives/targets

Environmental objectives and target activities are carried out by all Hakuto Corporation organizations, with the exception of some affiliated companies that are not currently included in the scope of ISO 14001 certification.


The report is compiled based on our environmental activity year (June to May) and is published once a year in principle, but may be updated from time to time depending on the content.
Please note that the information will be published on this website in principle, and we will not create a booklet.