Group3 Technologies Ltd.

Group3 Technologies Ltd.

| New Zealand
It contributes to equipment manufacturers and research facilities around the world with high-precision and robust magnetic field measuring instruments with temperature compensation functions.

Product lineup

Scientific Equipment

  • Teslameter
  • Hall Probe
  • Group3 Control
Overview of Group3 Technologies Ltd.
Group3 Technologies Ltd.
Group3 Technologies Ltd.New Zealand

Group3 Technology's primary business is the design and manufacture of electronic equipment of two types - scientific instruments for measuring magnetic fields, and specialist control systems. The company was founded in 1983, and exports from New Zealand 99% of it's production. It currently has products in most of the world's prestigious physics research laboratories - over 120 organizations in 24 countries. Group3 produces the worlds most accurate and cost effective Hall Effect Digital Teslameter, an instrument for measuring magnetic fields. A recent development is an accurate analog output magnetic field transducer. Design, manufacture, calibration and repair take place at the company's Auckland office.

Inquiry on the products


Reception hours: Weekdays 9:00-17:30
(excluding Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and company-designated holidays)