Applied Spectra Inc. is a US-based analyzer manufacturer with the world's most advanced technology in the fields of LIBS and LA-ICP-MS.
Product lineup
- Laser ablation instrument(LA)
- Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy instrument(LIBS)
- Tandem LIBS-LA instrument
- LIBS Spectrometer

Overview of Applied Spectra, Inc. (ASI)

Applied Spectra, Inc. (ASI)U.S.A.
Applied Spectra, Inc. (ASI) is a leading supplier of analytical instruments. ASI stand at the forefront of laser ablation (LA) based elemental analysis techniques, with world-class scientific and engineering teams. ASI simplifies the process of elemental chemical analysis, while delivering rapid, high-precision results that are environmentally friendly.
Inquiry on the products
Reception hours: Weekdays 9:00-17:30
(excluding Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and company-designated holidays)