Various semiconductor components are used in MFPs (multi-function printers), which are indispensable to offices. Ethernet ICs are used by MFPs to communicate with external PCs and other devices.
Fingerprint sensors are used for fingerprint authentication to protect the security of laptop computers used for work and daily life. The fingerprint sensor enables secure and smooth PC login.
In fact, Hakuto has held the No. 1 market share in capacitive touch panel type MFP operating panels for 10 consecutive years.
Hakuto has also entered the field of workstyle innovation. We sell web conferencing systems with our specialty technology.
We have also developed sound solutions. We leverage the unique qualities of materials to deal with customer concerns.
Cooling water, which is used to cool things, is utilized in various places such as air conditioners, refrigerators, freezers, and factory machinery. However, this water can cause rust in pipes, as well as bacterial and algae growth. In addition, the amount of water required for cooling is enormous. Hakuto's chemicals prevent the rusting of piping and can suppress the formation of bacteria and algae. In addition, water consumption can be significantly reduced, thus saving water.