Various semiconductor components, mainly power devices, are used in air conditioners that support comfortable living. Power devices are used to control motors in outdoor units and air conditioner units. Memory is used as an aid for the microcontrollers that operate and control this equipment.
Various semiconductor components are used in electricity meters that measure household electricity usage. Microcontrollers and memory chips are used to control the various functions of power meters, while power supply ICs are used to provide the proper voltage and current to operate them.
A high-speed, high-capacity optical communication network is essential for people to use high-quality video distribution services. Optical transceivers are optical transmitter/receivers that convert electrical signals and light back and forth, and are used as components that play an important role in optical communication equipment.
SRAM (memory) products are used in AEDs that protect people's lives in times of emergency. SRAM is used as a peripheral component of the microcontroller that controls the operation of the AED.
Fine wrinkles are formed on tissues and toiletries to give them flexibility and absorbency. If this wrinkling is uneven, it will directly cause problems with products and machinery. Hakuto selects and proposes chemical programs tailored to the operating conditions of each plant to ensure uniform wrinkle formation. We also offer a variety of maintenance chemicals such as cleaning agents and disinfectant.
Hakuto's own brand TAEKO offers a lineup of hypoallergenic and highly moisturizing skincare products, including cleansers and toners used in daily life. We have selected ingredients that are friendly to skin and to the environment. These products contain our original moisturizers, alcaligenes polysaccharides. They were developed using our fermentation technologies . We propose ethical skincare that is gentle to both people and the earth. We strive to create products that allow everyone to enjoy skincare regardless of skin type, age, or gender.